The HotDog Team

Welcome to the HotDog5 HTML Easter Egg. This is our contribution to the world of HTML.

Nugget is our Project Manager. Unlike most Project Managers, Nugget can do more than just manage. He can also draw pictures (He did the ones you see here). Coming from a history of table top dancing, architecture and many many parties he rules the HotDog team with an iron fist. (Surely a metaphor for beer).

Tech support are to scared to talk to him because he keeps a long knife by his desk. They have good reason to be afraid. Kistic is not like the rest of us. To keep his hair out of his face he shaved his head - except for the top bit. He looks like an inverted monk now. And in truth, that's what he is. A lot like the Dalai Lama he looks after the little people, but unlike the Dalai Lama, heÆs not adverse to a beer and a bit of bloody violence. You knowessssszz it boyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

DonÆt cross Physics. Or heÆll get you. When Physics isnÆt maiming senior programmers in one of those occasional, bizarre office æaccidentsÆ he can be found coding and tech writing for HotDog. Physics keeps a mirror above his desk, permanently trained on Kistic. You can never be too careful when it comes to avoiding the occasional revenge office accident.

M.G. is a Surfie. Each day he comes in to the office muttering phrases like "Hang 10" and "Totally Tubular". Next to his desk stands his favorite board "Thunder Boy". If given half a chance he recounts stories about waves and acid trips he has known. We have learnt not to ask him about the fuzzy days of his past.

Sav is the master of the quip. We are fortunate that on most occasions he chooses to quip for good and not for evil. To be on the receiving end of one of SavÆs evil, barbed quips is to experience a negation of self for which only a transcendental Buddhist of the ninth order is truly prepared. He can say things about your mum that would make a Tasmanian blush. We treat him with respect.

Kin is the most aggressive member of the HotDog team and also the shortest, but IÆm sure they are not connected. Kin knows karate and looks a lot like Bruce Lee. He is also short like Bruce Lee. Standing at only 5 foot tall, Kin can make some mighty impressive kicks and he is also one of the best programmers in Australia. With credentials like that, not being able to ride the roller coaster at fairs and carnivals probably doesnÆt bother him.

Toonz used to be a tactical officer aboard the HMAS Canberra. Surprisingly he saw some action in a brief flurry of conflict between New Zealand and Australia over trade tariffs. Fortunately the war only lasted nine days and Toonz was able to retire honorably and become a programmer. We talk quietly near him at work in case he experiences another one of his æepisodesÆ.

Brian is an advocate for the Church. That's the real reason why he wears his hair like a monk - not because of premature balding, as some people have suggested. His church is special, instead of a trinity it has a holy quaternary made of Steve, Marty, Peter and Tim. Several times a day Brian offers prayers to his heathen gods. His prayers have never been answered. Currently Brian is the only member of his church.